Sayfa Yükleniyor

12,7 mm x 99 MP-DT (IR) (.50 cal)

Ana Sayfa / ORTA KALIBRE MERMILER / 12,7 mm x 99 MP-DT (IR) (.50 cal)


Multipurpose round with an infrared tracer is for use against
targets. The high explosive together with a tungsten carbide
and incendiary compositions give blast, fragmentation and
incendiary effects as well as excellent armor penetration capabilities
and extreme accuracy at long ranges. The IR tracer burns for more
than 1000 m, making the gunner position not traceable as well as not
lighting up the surroundings as conventional tracers. This makes the
round ideal for night operations.

Projectile weight ~44 g
Muzzle velocity ~903 m/s
Max. dispersion at 550 m Grade A < 2 MOA/Grade B SD < 250 mm
Penetration 10,6 mm RHA @ 30˚ @ 1000m
Tracer Infrared, visible with NVG ≤200, ≥1000
Service temperature -54°C/+63°C
Safety temperature -54°C/+71°C